Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fort Robinson Provides Fun and Games for Family Reunion

It's possible that Ft. Robinson has never seen a more rowdy bunch than that ushered in by the Cushing Family Reunion. The weekend of August 15th through 17th rounded off the Harrington's tri-state journey and visits with family. Ft. Robinson Nebraska became host to Melissa Harrington's maternal family line which is infamous for many things, uninteresting is not one of those things.

Grandma's danced wildly about, children played with bubbles, aunts painted faces, cousins served drinks, children ran and played, buffalo was stewed, songs were sung and family was reunited. The weekend was full of child-hood stories and creating new stories to be shared at future reunions. Stories of Mrs. Harrington and her fear of a specific balloon was quickly shared with her husband. Stories of Mrs. Allen and her distaste for women as a young child were also shared. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington were held prisoners by a five year old who must have been a third or fourth cousin, once or twice removed. The weekend was full of adventures and fun, leaving all the family members anxious for our next reunion...or perhaps not, as the reunions were changed from happening annually to occurring bi-anually.

Mr. and Mrs. Harrington throughly enjoyed trying decipher family lines and how they were related to those other than grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Their only hope now is to remember all these relational ties and names until the next family reunion comes around. Until then, we will remember our direct relations and go to Mrs. Allen for further explanation regarding the more distant relatives.

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