Monday, December 13, 2010

Bongam Elementary Students Master the Alphabet

In August of 2010, Melissa "Teacher" Harrington was granted responsibility for the teaching of English to a group of Korean first graders and second graders. Completely thrilled and slightly terrified, Melissa Teacher thought quickly how she could best train up the precious little gems of students while maintaining her sanity. Having worked three years in an Elementary school back in Laramie, Wyoming, Melissa Teacher had some tricks up her sleeve for teaching the alphabet as well as phonics. Realizing the students would have a limited attention span, Melissa Teacher combined these teaching techniques with a 'project' of students creating their own ABC book. With flying-colors the students have learned the alphabet, a bit of phonics and vocabulary and each created an ABC book. It is therefore, with great honor and pleasure that we at The Harrington Times present a video presentation showcasing some of Melissa Teachers favorite Alphabet Art.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AWESOME!!! What a great idea Melissa Teacher :) and a great video too!


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