Friday, January 14, 2011

Teepee Doorways

This week at Nameson Middle School, Michael Teacher has been instructing his second week of 'Survivor Camp'. Being the primary photographer of The Harrington Times and the Harrington family, it was a welcome surprsie to see that not only did his recent shots from Survivor Camp capture the good times had by his students in the process of learning English, but a couple shots even managed to fit the weeks You Capture theme in which the Harrington's have made decent attempts to participate in.

Without further ado, here are two shots of Doorways as seen on English Camp-made Tepees and in instructions for making Tepees.

Michael Teacher is lucky to have a fabulous Artist in his class to whip out images such as this
for the classes 'Survival Guide"

Each Teams Teepees, lined up in a row.

Find other images and interpretations of Doorways here.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! What a fun school! I LOVE the teepees! So much fun. Look how creative those kids are! Creative kids are just about my favorite thing in the whole wide world!

shellycoulter said...

Nice! :)


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