Friday, April 20, 2012

Stories from the Couch: Ppuri Park and Other Things

Having enjoyed the first couple days of hosting and a night out on the town, the Harrington's and their guests were happy to awake on Wednesday morning and take things slow due to the national holiday, honoring the election. 

The day began with a fabulous Turkish style breakfast prepared by Onur. The dish was a simple yet extraordinary combination of onions, chilies, tomatoes, seasoning and eggs which was then scooped up onto a piece of bread before finding it's way to eager taste buds. With a hearty, happy start to the day, the crew cleaned up and packed up and prepared for an enjoyable outing to Daejeon's Ppuri Park.
Located in the southern parts of the city, Ppuri Park is perfectly situated between the river and a small hill. The park is significant in size and allows for guests to view various markers of historical Korean family names as well as take in a variety of foliage...when it has bloomed anyway. Additionally, the park showcases
peddle boats which look like over sized Swans. For anywhere between 15,000 and 25,000 won guests can rent one of these ... creatures and peddle around the river and get some close-up views of the large river fish in the area.
Following a pleasant stroll and soaking up of sunshine at Ppuri Park the crew made their way to old down-town where Tugca would be lost in the world of stationary. Patiently waiting on the front step of S.Dot stationary store, the men and eventually Melissa enjoyed street food snacks and the long-awaited arrival of warmth.
Eventually the time came to finish the visit to old downtown and return home for a quite evening at home sorting stationary, eating some snacks, watching soccer and enjoying one another's company as if they'd all been friends for years.
The next day took the Harrington's back to work while Tugca and Onur enjoyed their last in Daejeon relaxing and hitting up a couple more stationary stores. That evening, for their last supper, the Harrington's introduced their CouchSurfers to the joy that is Go-ju-chang Bulgogi, a meal the Harrington's have shared with previous CouchSurfers, Christmas guest number one, Christmas guests number two - the Harrington's and friends who departed and a meal they continuously fall in love with - it's all about the cheese volcano!
Having sufficiently stuffed themselves it was on to Santa Claus, a popular foreigner bar in Gung-dong, where they met up with James and Andy for a few rounds of darts and beers before returning home and saying the more sappy, official good-byes so the Harrington's could head to work in the morning while Tugca and Onur got in a few extra winks of shut-eye before heading north for Seoul.
As always, hosting CouchSurfers and increasing CouchSurfing experiences leaves the Harrington's feeling refreshed and hopeful that the world is truly filled with good and beautiful souls.

1 comment:

HTŞŞ said...

Ppuri park is a really nice place, especially if you go with nice friends ;)


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